The Fourth of July

from the let's explode everything we can, city of Modesto, California. Even though our lawns are pretty dry, we did not have much rain this past season, hillsides crackle, and people debate about water, we have our fireworks . As the sound of pops and almost gun shot blasts, intermingle
with the fire truck sirens, people here enjoy their fireworks, and again,
I do not fffff
begrudge anyone or the fireworks. Some of them are quite beautiful,illegal,
and as nice as any shooting out over a ballpark. I just have a thing about
fourth , some old baggage I guess, but I do my best to enjoy the day . I went
swimming with my son at the beautiful SOS club here in Modesto, and for
fifteen dollars they served the BEST steak ever, with corn on the cob,
and french bread, and yes, later we did have our fireworks. The best
fireworks are really in Oaklahoma! I had the best time shooting them off
there , right before my son's first deployment to Iraq. Hats off to Fort Sil.
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