Friday, June 19, 2009

I am feeling a little bored.

  I know there is a lot I could be doing right now, but I guess I just don't 
  feel like it. I met up with a friend from Visalia, tonight for dinner. we taught together for years,  worked at the florist for a couple of hours today, and I am going to go pick up my new kitten on Sunday. I went to see this band called Sugar
 Ray last night, some quick stop in Modesto, for what ever reason. The lead singer mentioned something about cougars, and I really hate that term. It's a long story, but one of my best friends had this other much younger friend with her, and I just don't click with her, and the conversation was about the cougar thing. Any way, I was supposed to eat dinner with the two of them, and I got up and walked out, sort of childish I guess on my part. Then much later last night, I fell asleep and had one of my nuclear bomb dreams, as I call them, must be  the old North Korea thing
 working over time on my brain. Too many civil defense drills when I was young.


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