Sunday, June 14, 2009

Pitbulls Attack

 On May 19th, I was on my door step and before I had time to think, two pit bulls are standing
  on my lawn. I had about a second to say,"Where did you come from?"  Suddenly I see my absyinian  cat run  in my direction, and before I had time to think, the two dogs had my cat in their mouths. I was now in the middle trying to save my poor little cat, but it seriously took them less than a minute to kill him. That's a pretty awful thing to see. I was screaming so loudly
that all the neighbors came out to see what was going on. Someone called the police and two cars
were there quickly. We found the owner, and due to some ordinance in my county,there is not much you can do, unless they attack a human. I must say the owner did pay for my cat, but you cannot replace him. Tabbles
had a very unique personality, and everyone on the block knew him, and what a crazy personality he had.  The owner has promised to keep his dogs locked up; that's a good thing. I really found it difficult to hate the dogs, because they are just dogs, and they are pits, and for a pit that is not trained, a cat is a moving  target, and apparently, my cat, unfortunately, became the hunter's prey. The picture of the kitten is my new cat. I am picking
him up from the breeder on father's day.I need help naming him, got any ideas??



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